Industrial applications need an extremely durable floor product. These floors need to handle spills of all sorts- including chemicals. They need to perform in extreme temperatures with heavy industrial equipment and foot traffic moving over them. And through all of this they have to remain maintenance friendly and last for decades. Only one flooring product will meet all these demands at an economical price-point. Metropolitan Ceramics®, with its extruded and hard fired body is the right choice for industrial applications. And Metropolitan offers a 6” x 9” x 3/4” paver product – METRO®PAVERS for the most demanding areas. To follow are two examples of Metropolitan Ceramics products in use in industrial applications.

The Founder’s Brewery in Grand Rapids, Michigan installed Metropolitan Ceramics #310 Mayflower Red 6×6 throughout their brewery’s production area. This quarry tile will stand up to the harsh conditions and provide a maintenance friendly, slip resisting floor for decades of service.

Mission Foods® is the largest tortilla manufacturer in the United States, providing tortilla products for supermarkets and restaurants throughout the country. In their plant in Pendergrass, Georgia, Mission Foods installed 6″ x 9″ x 3/4″ METROPAVERS in their production facility. According to the plant manager, the pavers provide employees with an improved working area when compared with the existing concrete slab. Happy with the results, Mission Foods is now using METROPAVERS in other facilities throughout the country.